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Student Dress Code

The Meriden Board of Education takes pride in the appearance of our students. Students are expected to wear attire that is not disruptive to the education process and is not dangerous or unsafe. Students should always come to school neat and clean. The dress of a student reflects the level of respect for oneself, respect for one’s peers and respect for one’s school.

The Meriden Board of Education, school administrators, faculty and staff will enforce the following guidelines as the Student Dress Code in the Meriden Public School System:

a. Headgear:  Headgear should not cover a student’s face or block them from being identified by staff or their peers.  No hoods of any kind shall be worn while in school.

b. Blouses/Shirts:  Blouses/shirts must have shoulder straps and be long enough to adequately cover most of the midriff. Blouses/shirts that allow exposure of any portion of the chest and/or breasts are not allowed. Clothing must not be see-through or transparent. Undergarments and/or private body areas must not be evident or visible through clothing.  Undergarments may not be worn as outerwear.

c. Skirts/Shorts/Dresses/Pants:  Clothing must not be see-through or transparent. Undergarments and/or private body areas must not be evident or visible through clothing.  Rips or holes that expose undergarments or that are located above mid-thigh are not acceptable. Pants should not expose the buttocks or genitalia.  Undergarments may not be worn as outerwear. Spandex shorts may be worn if covered by shorts or skirts.

d. Outdoor Garments:  Coats may be worn in classrooms except when there are safety concerns such as in physical education, woodshop, or labs. Gloves and winter scarves should be removed upon entering the building.

e. Shoes:  Footwear must be worn at all times.  Open-toe or backless shoes are permitted except when there are safety concerns such as in recess, physical education, woodshop, or labs. Slippers may not be worn. Footwear that mars floors or is a safety hazard will not be permitted.  Exceptions to the shoe policy may be made according to Physical Education curriculum requirements as allowed by the administration.

f. Lounging Attire:  Lounge attire may be worn as long as they are closed pants, not vulgar, and do not disrupt school activities.

g. Prints:  No student clothing or accessories: shall display words or symbols that advocate or depict profanity, violence, drugs, alcohol, sex, hate groups, gang affiliation or illegal activity, expressed or implied; shall contain vulgarity or overly offensive or disruptive writing or pictures, which are likely to disrupt the educational environment; or that provokes others to act violently or causes others to be intimidated by fear of violence; or that contain “fighting words.”

h. Accessories:  Students may not wear or possess articles of clothing or clothing accessories that could cause injury to others or are disruptive to the education process. This includes, but is not limited to, sunglasses, chains, cleats, spikes or studs.

i. Earbuds/Headphones: Students may not wear earbuds/headphones in the classroom unless permitted by the teacher for instructional purposes. 

j. Students are not allowed to display clothing or symbols that have been identified by agencies, such as, but not limited to, the Meriden Police Department,as being commonly associated with gangs. Garments,jewelry, body art and tattoos that communicate gang allegiance or affiliation are not allowed to be worn or visible at school.

Exceptions to the above dress code will be considered for medical reasons, special events, cultural beliefs or to promote school spirit, as determined by the school principal or his/her designee. Students and/or sponsors wishing to request special exceptions must have permission from the school administration prior to the activity.

Students who are not in compliance with the dress code policy will be given an opportunity to comply. Any student who refuses to comply or who repeatedly needs redirection and/or fails to comply with the policy and regulations concerning student dress will be subject to school discipline up to and including expulsion in accordance with the Board’s policy on student discipline.

Amended: June 21, 2022