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Report Card Procedures

The report card is the basic way of communicating student progress to parents. Much time and effort has been devoted to developing reporting procedures and report card instruments which clearly convey information about student performance.

Elementary School Level

In kindergarten through grade five, report cards are issued three times a year. This report card provides a detailed profile of student progress in specific skill areas. For the first and second marking periods, conferences are scheduled so teachers can review the report card data directly with parents. In order to accommodate the conferences, shortened days are scheduled in December and March.

Middle School Level

Report cards are issued four times a year at this level. Students are evaluated in terms of key social and behavioral areas in all academic areas. Parents are encouraged to schedule a conference to meet directly with teachers.

High School Level

At this level, report cards are also issued four times yearly. High school report cards are completely computerized and provide information about the academic and social progress of students. They are issued shortly after the close of each marking period. At the end of the year, the report cards are mailed within a few weeks of the close of school in June. Parents are encouraged to meet directly with teachers as they deem appropriate.

At both the middle and high school levels, progress reports are also issued at mid-term to advise parents of significant changes that may be occurring in a youngster's school performance.