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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)


  1. Digital devices can be very powerful tools to complement teaching.
  2. Digital devices can motivate and sustain many types of learners.
  3. Digital devices can increase the quality and quantity of various learning experiences.
  4. Digital devices can minimize disabilities, disadvantages and the barriers of time and distance.
  5. Digital devices can assist learners in understanding content and concepts, enhance creativity, enrich learning, extend opportunities, and teach skills that will be regularly used outside the classroom.

Definition of Devices

Wireless and/or portable electronic devices that include, but are not limited to, existing and emerging mobile communication systems, smart technologies, portable Internet devices, tablet devices, e-readers, laptops, net books, MP3 players, or any new device that is deemed appropriate to the goals of the school and complies with the districts' acceptable use policy (Policy No. 6141.323).

Security and Damages

The use of a personal device is the responsibility of the student and must be used in accordance with the acceptable use policy of the Meriden Public Schools and must, on all occasions, be related to an educational purpose, task or communication. All students bringing a personal device to school must have a signed acceptable use policy on file at the school. The Meriden Public Schools is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of any electronic device brought to school by a student.

The school district will not require students to bring in devices that the school cannot provide within its resources. No student will be penalized if a majority of students are using personally-owned devices and a student chooses not to bring his/her own device to school.

Guidelines for Use of Devices

Students who bring personal devices to school must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Devices may be used as directed by the teacher for instructional purposes.
  2. Devices will not disrupt the educational environment of the school and the learning of others.
  3. Students may not use mobile phones for any voice communication during the school day.
  4. Headphones/earbuds may be used as directed by the teacher for instructional purposes.
  5. Devices may not be used to take pictures or videos of students and/or teachers without that individual’s consent.
  6. Devices may not be used to tease, harass, annoy or bully others (Policy No. 5030).
  7. Devices may be confiscated and may only be picked up by parent/guardian.
  8. Disciplinary action will be taken based upon misuse of the device.

Download Guidelines (English)  Download Guidelines (Spanish)

For more information, please review our Frequently Asked Questions for BYOD.