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Teaching and Innovation

Barbara A. Haeffner  |  Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Innovation
22 Liberty Street  |  203-630-4185
Daniel Crispino  |  Director of School Leadership, Elementary

Peter Civitello | Director of School Leadership, Secondary

The Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning is responsible for the overall instructional process in the Meriden Public Schools. Working in conjunction with the district’s research specialist and curriculum supervisors, this office oversees curriculum and program development, staff evaluation, instructional planning and professional improvement. The Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Innovation provides on site problem solving with certified staff through frequent visitations and handles certified personnel labor relations. The Office of Teaching and Innovation also deals with parental issues relating to instruction and clarifies board policy and school procedures for parents and the community. The Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Innovation is also responsible for the successful rollout of the Teacher and Leader Evaluation and Development Plan.