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TEAM Program

What is TEAM?

Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program is Connecticut's induction program for new teachers. It is a two-year program that helps beginning teachers grow professionally by working with a trained mentor, and by participating in professional development. The program is based on five modules that are aligned to the Connecticut Common Core of Teaching: (1) Classroom Environment (2) Planning (3) Instruction (4) Assessment (5) Professional Responsibilities. 

According to the CT TEAM website, mentors and beginning teachers work together to identify a need/opportunity for professional growth based on a CCT performance profile, establish a goal, develop an action plan, implement their plan and reflect on the 8-10 week process. At the culmination of modules 1 through 4, a written reflection paper or a presentation that documents new teacher learning, changes in teaching practice, and positive outcomes for students will be submitted by the beginning teacher. Links to exemplar presentations are below.

Successful completion of the TEAM Program is required for eligibility to move from an Initial Educator Certificate to a Provisional Educator Certificate.

Exemplar Presentations:

Module 1: Classroom Environment

Module 2: Planning

Module 3: Instruction 

Module 4: Assessment