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Nutrition Resources

New Requirements for School Lunches:

Learn more about new requirements for school lunches ( English  |  en español).

Breakfast... The most important meal of the day!

Research has shown that eating school breakfast has many health, academic and behavior benefits.

  • Students that eat school breakfast consume more fruits and whole grains, drink more milk, and eat less saturated fat than those who eat breakfast at home.
  • Children who eat breakfast at school perform better on standardized tests than those who eat breakfast at home or do not eat breakfast at all.
  • Students who participate in the School Breakfast Program are more attentive, are tardy less often, have fewer absences, have fewer behavioral problems, and visit the nurse's often less frequently.

Fun Nutrition Printables and Links

Nutrition Information Links:

  • Choose My Plate: This link is a great source for all sorts of information on healthy eating & staying healthy! There are 37 different links many in English and in Spanish to help you live a healthier life!
  • 10 Tips for Picky Eaters from the Mayo Clinic:  Does your child only want to eat the same things over and over again? This link has great information for parents of picky eaters.
  • Parents' Grocery Shopping Tips from WebMD: This link is a wonderful resource for parents who would like to learn more about what foods they should buy at the grocery store.
  • This link has a bunch of great information from how to create a healthy environment to creating a healthy plate.

Activity Links:

  • Fun Healthy Activities for Kids:  This link has a ton of different healthy lifestyle activities for kids to do of all ages! Activities range from coloring to different puzzles. Some are also available in Spanish.
  • National Dairy Council Health & Wellness:  This link is full of fun ideas for cooking with your kids. Many of the recipes have pictures and do not require cooking but encourage kids to have fun in the kitchen instead of going out to eat!
  • Nutrition Education Printables from Nourish Interactive:  This link is another great source of different coloring and puzzle activities. It also has printable cards for different holidays that kids can color and give to their families!
  • 15 Fun Food Activities for Kids:  This link has creative ideas to encourage your children to have a fun and healthy relationship with their food!  Who wouldn't like to play with some edible slime or dig for some fossils in Jello!!